TIN number Registration in Gurgaon

What is TIN Number Registration in Gurgaon India?
Tax-Payer Identification Number (TIN Number), is unique number allotted by Commercial tax department of respective State. It’s an eleven digit number to be mentioned in all VAT transactions and correspondence.

TIN number is used to identify dealers registered under VAT. First two digits of TIN indicate the issued state code. However, Other 9 digit of TIN creation may differs by state governments.

TIN is applied for both sales done within a state or between two or more states. Tin is also being used to identify dealers in the same way like PAN, to identification of assesses under income tax act.

Who Needs TIN number?
Tin number registration in Gurgaon India is must for Manufacture/Traders /Exporters/Dealers. It comes to new registration under VAT or Central sales tax will be allotted new TIN as registration number. However, all state commercial tax department of India has stipulation to provide new TIN to existing Manufacture/Traders /Exporters/Dealers to replace their old registration / CST number.

So, there is no difference in VAT/CST/TIN because these days only one number is needed for all type of sale you made. TIN number is called VAT number when it used for intra state sales. The same TIN number is being consider as CST number when it requires.

Documents required to Apply TIN number Registration in Gurgaon India

1. Partnership deed/Memorandum and Article of Association.
2. Bill of purchase outside the state showing levy of 12.5% CST in the name of applicant.
3. Proof of ownership of business premises. If rented, lease deed.
4. List of machinery, Raw material, packing material and finished good (4 copies each) for Manufacturing Unit.
5. Resolution in favour of director who is to sign the application forms.(for company only)
6. Complete list of other places of business and head office.
7. Property owned by partner/Proprietor/Directors.
8. Approach site plan w.r. to business premises.
9. Bank account of the firm/company.
10. Interest of partner, Proprietor, Director in any other business institution being carried on any where else.
11. 2 Surety Bonds/ Bank Guarantees. (Photo of Surety)
12. Accounts Books upto date.
13. Passport size photo (Two Nos.) of each partner/Proprietor/Directors.(Self attested).
14. Proof of Residence of the applicant and all the directors of the Co. (Photo ID Proof).
15. Photocopy of PAN. No.
16. Photograph of front side of business premises also covering left & right sides of the premises.
17. Annexure 1(of form VAT A-1) to be signed by each partner seperately in case of partnership firm and by each director in case of Pvt. Ltd. Co., So get the photocopies of Annexure-1 accordingly.

18. Detail of payment of building/interior contract & proof of payment of WCT
19. E.mail address
Please check the applicability of each state

How to apply for TIN number?
Gone are the days standing in long queues to submit an application to Government Department. E Government as swept all over India. This can be done by online.

For any further queries you can mail piyushadvocate@gmail.com OR you may call at +91-9999008864, 8860099001.
Keywords: TIN Number Registration in Gurgaon, TIN Number Registration in India